Hi! 馃憢

I'm Kamil; I'm a software engineer and this is a collection of all things I've been working on in my personal time.

On 6-Point Grading Scale

During my 12–year journey through formal education I became very familiar with 6–point grading scale. It’s one of those things you are exposed to so early in life, that you accept it as a truth about the world. And for me, empirically, it made sense. I could always say if something was excellent, very good, good, acceptable, bad, or tragic.

6 min

How to Become Immortal 101: Shamir’s Secret Sharing

Have you ever wondered how to protect your master password from getting lost? Or how to create a perfect democracy where nuke access is shared between most important people in the government equally? Or how to achieve immortality by splitting your soul and putting the pieces into objects? 🪄

If so, then you’ve come to the right place. Join me, my friend, on this discovery of Shamir’s secret sharing.

Generating SVG Avatars From Identifiers

When you create a new social service on the internet, one of the things you need to think about is how to make a user’s space feel like their own. Services like GitHub, Roll20, or Reddit generate — or allow you to generate — a custom avatar (i.e. Identicons) for your account. Avatar auto-generation is especially neat, as it does not require any engagement from the user. Let’s try to figure that out on our own.


Performance Analysis of Python’s dict() and {}

Some time ago, during a code review, I had a discussion with a colleague of mine about preferring dict() over {} in new Python code. They argued that dict() is more readable — and expresses intent more clearly — therefore should be preferred. I wasn’t convinced by that, but at that time I didn’t have any counterarguments, so I passed.

Yet that made me wonder: what’s the difference between the dict type and {} literal expression?

Redirecting Subdomains to URLs

This blog is hosted on GitHub Pages. The service offers free static website hosting (TLS included!). The way it works is that GitHub issues a dedicated subdomain for each hosted website; for this one it’s: nathiss.github.io. However, if you try to access it you’ll be redirected to madebyme.today instead.