Performance Analysis of Python’s dict() and {}

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Some time ago, during a code review, I had a discussion with a colleague of mine about preferring dict() over {} in new Python code. They argued that dict() is more readable — and expresses intent more clearly — therefore should be preferred. I wasn’t convinced by that, but at that time I didn’t have any counterarguments, so I passed.

Yet that made me wonder: what’s the difference between the dict type and {} literal expression?

Let’s go down the rabbit hole.

I’ll be using Python 3.12 for all code samples here. This is really important, as there are significant differences between recent minor Python versions.

Python’s dictionaries

First, let’s check what’s the performance difference between the two methods. I’ll use the timeit module for that.

1$ python -m timeit "dict()"
210000000 loops, best of 5: 40 nsec per loop
3$ python -m timeit "{}"
420000000 loops, best of 5: 19.6 nsec per loop

On my MacBook M1 the difference is almost 2x. A non-trivial difference, especially knowing that both of these expressions produce the exact same object.

Where does the difference come from?

Before we get into that, we need to sidetrack a little bit and talk about what happens when you execute Python code. Python is an interpreted language — it needs to have an interpreter. CPython is the most wildly used interpreter of Python; it’s a reference implementation, meaning that other interpreters use it to determine the “correct” behavior. If you’ve installed Python from a default distribution, you have CPython installed on your machine.

Interestingly, CPython is both a compiler and an interpreter. When executing Python code it first compiles it into bytecode instructions and interprets them.

To better understand the performance difference between dist() and {} let’s compare the bytecode instructions they compile into. Python has a built-in module called dis which does exactly that.

 1>>> import dis
 2>>> def a():
 3...   return dict()
 5>>> def b():
 6...   return {}
 8>>> dis.dis(a)
 9  1           0 RESUME                   0
11  2           2 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (NULL + dict)
12             12 CALL                     0
13             20 RETURN_VALUE
14>>> dis.dis(b)
15  1           0 RESUME                   0
17  2           2 BUILD_MAP                0
18              4 RETURN_VALUE

Although they produce the same end result these two expression, quite clearly, execute different code.

Bytecode instructions

The output of dis.dis isn’t very hard to understand.

1 (1) |    (2)    |          (3)          | (4) |      (5)      
3   1 |         0 | RESUME                | 0   |
4     |           |                       |     |
5   2 |         2 | LOAD_GLOBAL           | 1   | (NULL + dict)
6     |        12 | CALL                  | 0   |
7     |        20 | RETURN_VALUE          |     |

Each column has a purpose:

  1. Line number in the source code.
  2. The address of the instruction — byte index in the compiled bytecode.
  3. The bytecode name (opcode).
  4. Operation parameters.
  5. Human-readable interpretation of the operation parameters.

Alright, equipped with this knowledge and by cross-referencing the opcode set we know that:

  1. RESUME — does nothing. It performs internal tracking, debugging and optimization checks.
  2. LOAD_GLOBAL — loads a global variable onto the stack. From the human-readable interpretation of the opcode parameters we know that it loads dict (ignore NULL for now).
  3. CALL — calls a callable object with the number of arguments specified by argc — in our case it’s zero.
  4. RETURN_VALUE — returns with the last element from the stack to the caller.

Compiling return {} yields one more opcode:

  1. BUILD_MAP — pushes a new dictionary object onto the stack. Pops 2 * count items so that the dictionary holds count entries.

Already we have a few obvious differences between the two cases. The {} expression builds a dictionary directly, while dict() delegates that to a callable object. Before that can even happen it first needs to load the global value (dict) onto the stack — it actually does that every single time we call that function.


Because dict is not constant: it can be overwritten — and therefore — produce a different value.

1>>> def a():
2...   return dict()
4>>> dict = lambda: 42
6>>> assert a() == 42

It can happen. This is why Python needs to generate this overhead of loading and calling a callable for every call of the function.

OK, it all sound very neat. Calling a callable does create an overhead and it’s reasonable to assume that the difference we saw at the beginning of this post is a result of this overhead. However, are we sure that dict() internally calls the same code, as {} does? dict is a class and, luckily, the dis.dis function can compile classes to bytecode.

 1import dis
 3class Foo:
 4    def bar(self):
 5        return 42
 7    def __str__(self):
 8        return self.__class__.__name__

It prints out disassembly for all of the classes’s methods:

 1Disassembly of __str__:
 2  8           0 RESUME                   0
 4  9           2 LOAD_FAST                0 (self)
 5              4 LOAD_ATTR                0 (__class__)
 6             24 LOAD_ATTR                2 (__name__)
 7             44 RETURN_VALUE
 9Disassembly of bar:
10  5           0 RESUME                   0
12  6           2 RETURN_CONST             1 (42)

Let’s try this for dict:

1>>> dis.dis(dict)

… it doesn’t print anything? Why?

Well, the dis module isn’t very useful for internal types and dict is one of those types — defined within the interpreter’s source code.

Getting lost in the CPython source code

To tap into the forbidden magic, we need to clone the CPython repository first. We don’t need all the history, so let’s --depth 1 this.

1git clone --depth 1 --branch v3.12.0
2# or
3git clone --depth 1 --branch v3.12.0

Then we need to find what we’re actually looking for — a place where opcode instructions are interpreted. After a cup of coffee and a lot of greps later we find the Python/bytecodes.c file. It consists of a single switch statement and it seems like all bytecode instruction are interpreted there.

The dict type

Let’s tackle dict first. All internal types are defined as PyTypeObject objects and the dict type is defined in the dictobject.c file. It has a lot of attributes defined, but only two are of interest for us:

 1PyTypeObject PyDict_Type = {
 2    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
 3    "dict",
 4    sizeof(PyDictObject),
 5    // ...
 6    dict_init,                                  /* tp_init */
 7    // ...
 8    dict_new,                                   /* tp_new */
 9    // ...

The pair (dict_new and dict_init) will tell us what happens when someone creates a new dictionary.


The constructor in Python is called __new__. It’s a static method that returns a new object of its type.

The initializer method is called __init__. It takes a newly created object and initializes its attributes. The __init__method is called after the __new__ method.

The dict_new function is defined here: dictobject.c#L3751.

 1static PyObject *
 2dict_new(PyTypeObject*type, PyObject *args, PyObject*kwds)
 4    assert(type != NULL);
 5    assert(type->tp_alloc != NULL);
 6    // dict subclasses must implement the GC protocol
 7    assert(_PyType_IS_GC(type));
 9    PyObject *self = type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
10    if (self == NULL) {
11        return NULL;
12    }
13    PyDictObject *d = (PyDictObject *)self;
15    d->ma_used = 0;
16    d->ma_version_tag = DICT_NEXT_VERSION(
17            _PyInterpreterState_GET());
18    dictkeys_incref(Py_EMPTY_KEYS);
19    d->ma_keys = Py_EMPTY_KEYS;
20    d->ma_values = NULL;
23    // ...
25    return self;

We see that first, it allocates a new object via the provided allocator (9th line) and then sets some of its internal fields (15th, 19th, and 20th). Interestingly for us, it does not pre-allocate the dictionary’s internal memory (see marked lines). It might seems strange at first, but please remember: an object’s initialization — like memory pre-allocation — is not a responsibility of the __new__ method, that what the __init__ method is for.

With the new object in memory, the dict_init function can insert entries to it. The insertion logic is delegated to the dict_update_common function, which can be found here: dictobject.c#L2678.

 1static int
 2dict_update_common(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds,
 3                   const char *methname)
 5    PyObject *arg = NULL;
 6    int result = 0;
 8    if (!PyArg_UnpackTuple(args, methname, 0, 1, &arg)) {
 9        result = -1;
10    }
11    else if (arg != NULL) {
12        result = dict_update_arg(self, arg);
13    }
15    if (result == 0 && kwds != NULL) {
16        if (PyArg_ValidateKeywordArguments(kwds))
17            result = PyDict_Merge(self, kwds, 1);
18        else
19            result = -1;
20    }
21    return result;

It updates the dictionary from both args and kwargs.

args & dict_update_arg

For args it calls the dict_update_arg function.

 1static int
 2dict_update_arg(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg)
 4    if (PyDict_CheckExact(arg)) {
 5        return PyDict_Merge(self, arg, 1);
 6    }
 7    PyObject *func;
 8    if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(arg, &_Py_ID(keys), &func) < 0) {
 9        return -1;
10    }
11    if (func != NULL) {
12        Py_DECREF(func);
13        return PyDict_Merge(self, arg, 1);
14    }
15    return PyDict_MergeFromSeq2(self, arg, 1);

The function checks if arg is a dictionary, if so it merges the two (PyDict_Merge), otherwise it adds new entries from a sequence of pairs (PyDict_MergeFromSeq2).

kwargs & PyDict_Merge

The kwargs path ends in the same place — PyDict_Merge. Let’s take a look.

Internally, it delegates all logic to the dict_merge function.

 1static int
 2dict_merge(PyInterpreterState *interp, PyObject *a, PyObject *b, int override)
 4    PyDictObject *mp, *other;
 6    assert(0 <= override && override <= 2);
 8    /* We accept for the argument either a concrete dictionary object,
 9     * or an abstract "mapping" object.  For the former, we can do
10     * things quite efficiently.  For the latter, we only require that
11     * PyMapping_Keys() and PyObject_GetItem() be supported.
12     */
13    if (a == NULL || !PyDict_Check(a) || b == NULL) {
14        PyErr_BadInternalCall();
15        return -1;
16    }
17    mp = (PyDictObject*)a;
18    if (PyDict_Check(b) && (Py_TYPE(b)->tp_iter == (getiterfunc)dict_iter)) {
20        // ...
21    else {
22        /* Do it the generic, slower way */
24        // ...
25    }
27    return 0;

From the comment, we know that the function has been optimized for being called with another dictionary as a parameter. If the parameter is not a dictionary, then it’s a generic Mapping — a container object that supports arbitrary key lookups.

The {} expression

The literal expression should be easier to reason about. Let’s go back to the bytecode.c file and find mapping for the BUILD_MAP opcode.

 1inst(BUILD_MAP, (values[oparg*2] -- map)) {
 2    map = _PyDict_FromItems(
 3            values, 2,
 4            values+1, 2,
 5            oparg);
 6    if (map == NULL)
 7        goto error;
10    ERROR_IF(map == NULL, error);

See sources here: bytecode.c#L1541.

We see that the dictionary is fully constructed and returned by _PyDict_FromItems. Let’s go there.

 1PyObject *
 2_PyDict_FromItems(PyObject *const *keys, Py_ssize_t keys_offset,
 3                  PyObject *const *values, Py_ssize_t values_offset,
 4                  Py_ssize_t length)
 6    bool unicode = true;
 7    PyObject *const *ks = keys;
 8    PyInterpreterState *interp = _PyInterpreterState_GET();
10    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
11        if (!PyUnicode_CheckExact(*ks)) {
12            unicode = false;
13            break;
14        }
15        ks += keys_offset;
16    }
18    PyObject *dict = dict_new_presized(interp, length, unicode);
19    if (dict == NULL) {
20        return NULL;
21    }
23    ks = keys;
24    PyObject *const *vs = values;
26    for (Py_ssize_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
27        PyObject *key = *ks;
28        PyObject *value = *vs;
29        if (PyDict_SetItem(dict, key, value) < 0) {
30            Py_DECREF(dict);
31            return NULL;
32        }
33        ks += keys_offset;
34        vs += values_offset;
35    }
37    return dict;

I’ve marked the most interesting line: in opposition to dict_new, it pre-allocates the dictionary, so it already has a capacity for all of its entries. After that it inserts key-value pairs one-by-one.


To sum things up.

When you do dict(a=1, b=2), Python needs to:

  • allocate a new PyObject,
  • construct a dict via the __new__ method,
  • call its __init__ method, which internally calls PyDict_Merge,
  • because kwargs is not dict, PyDict_Merge needs to use the slower method, which inserts entries one-by-one.

Whereas doing {} causes Python to:

  • construct a new pre-allocated dictionary,
  • insert entries one-by-one.

To be fair, unless you construct dictionaries in a loop, I don’t believe there’s a lot to gain performance-wise by switching from dict to {}. There’s one thing I’d like you to remember after reading this post:

The {} is always faster than dict.


Similar analysis can be done for lists, sets, and (possibly) tuples. However, this post is already too long, so I’ll drop all the other resources I’ve gathered here.


1$ python -m timeit "list((1, 2, 'a'))"
25000000 loops, best of 5: 53.4 nsec per loop
3$ python -m timeit "[1, 2, 'a']"
410000000 loops, best of 5: 29.7 nsec per loop

list type

The Python’s list type is defined in the listobject.c file:

1PyTypeObject PyList_Type = {
2    // ...
3    (initproc)list___init__, /* tp_init */
4    PyType_GenericAlloc, /* tp_alloc */
5    PyType_GenericNew, /* tp_new */
6    // ...

PyType_GenericNew does nothing — it ignores args and kwargs, and return an object allocated by type->typ_alloc. Source:

PyType_GenericAlloc allocated a new object and (if it’s garbage-collectable) marks it as “to-be-collected”.

list___init__ is a convenience wrapper around the list___init___impl function, which does the actual initialization. It does some basic pre-steps:

  • fails if any kwarg has been passed,
  • fails if args has more than 1 element,
  • converts the first argument of args to an iterable.

list___init___impl clears the list (if not empty) and extends it by the provided iterable (by calling the list_extend function).


I think the two:

1list((1, 2, 3))
3_tmp = list()
4_tmp.extend((1, 2, 3))

are equivalent in every way (but the generated opcodes sequence) and are calling the same underlying C code.

[] literal expression

Opcode BUILD_LIST uses the _PyList_FromArraySteal function to construct a list object and return it.


_PyList_FromArraySteal is used since 3.12. See 3.12 changelog and gh-100146. Before 3.12, the opcode was repeatedly calling POP() to get items from the stack, and then inserting them into the list.

1while (--oparg >= 0) {
2    PyObject *item = POP();
3    PyList_SET_ITEM(list, oparg, item);

See change in gh-100146 PR.

The _PyList_FromArraySteal helper creates an empty list (if there are no items), or preallocates the list before inserting items to it.

1PyObject **dst = list->ob_item;
2memcpy(dst, src, n * sizeof(PyObject *));


AFAIK there’s no way to construct a new set with a literal expression, hence the following analysis is performed for sets with two elements: 1 and 2.
1$ python -m timeit "set((1, 2))"
25000000 loops, best of 5: 82.6 nsec per loop
3$ python -m timeit "{1, 2}"
45000000 loops, best of 5: 45.5 nsec per loop

set type

The Python’s set type is defined in the setobject.c file:

1PyTypeObject PySet_Type = {
2    // ...
3    (initproc)set_init, /* tp_init */
4    PyType_GenericAlloc, /* tp_alloc */
5    set_new, /* tp_new */
6    // ...

set_new uses the allocated to create a new empty set object. Internally it calls the make_new_set function.

set_init performs some pre-steps:

  • fails if any kwarg has been passed,
  • fails if args has more then 1 element,
  • converts the first argument of args to an iterable,
  • if the set object has already been filled, then it clears it

… and calls the set_update_internal function, to insert values into the set object.

{1, 2} literal expression

The opcode handler has no dedicated helpers. It constructs a new set (empty), and then iterates over all items from the stack and insets them one-by-one.

 1inst(BUILD_SET, (values[oparg] -- set)) {
 2    set = PySet_New(NULL);
 3    if (set == NULL)
 4    GOTO_ERROR(error);
 5    int err = 0;
 6    for (int i = 0; i < oparg; i++) {
 7        PyObject *item = values[i];
 8        if (err == 0)
 9            err = PySet_Add(set, item);
10        Py_DECREF(item);
11    }
12    if (err != 0) {
13        Py_DECREF(set);
14        ERROR_IF(true, error);
15    }



Warning The generated bytecode is different if we add another argument to the literal expression: {1, 2, 3}. Then it becomes:

1   2 BUILD_SET                0
2   4 LOAD_CONST               1 (frozenset({1, 2, 3}))
3   6 SET_UPDATE               1


This one’s tricky. Constructing a tuple with the tuple type requires an iterable. The easiest way of getting one it to create a tuple literal, which is obviously less efficient, than using a tuple literal syntax in the first place.

 1>>> import sys
 2>>> sys.version_info
 3sys.version_info(major=3, minor=12, micro=1, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
 5>>> def a():
 6...   return tuple((1, 2, []))
 8>>> def b():
 9...   return (1, 2, [])
11>>> import dis
13>>> dis.dis(a)
14  1           0 RESUME                   0
16  2           2 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (NULL + tuple)
17             12 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
18             14 LOAD_CONST               2 (2)
19             16 BUILD_LIST               0
20             18 BUILD_TUPLE              3
21             20 CALL                     1
22             28 RETURN_VALUE
23>>> dis.dis(b)
24  1           0 RESUME                   0
26  2           2 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
27              4 LOAD_CONST               2 (2)
28              6 BUILD_LIST               0
29              8 BUILD_TUPLE              3
30             10 RETURN_VALUE

It might not make much sense to include this example in the article.

tuple type

The Python’s tuple type is defined in tupleobject.c. Interestingly, it has no tp_alloc, nor tp_init.

1PyTypeObject PyTuple_Type = {
2    // ...
3    0, /* tp_init */
4    0, /* tp_alloc */
5    tuple_new, /* tp_new */
6    // ...

The tuple_new function is responsible for allocating a new tuple object, with the items passed as a parameter.

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