Kamil Rusin

Curriculum Vitae

Phone number:+48 517 455 134
Location:Cracow, Poland


The Cracow University of Technology


Master of Science (MSc), Applied Computer Science

5 / 5

Graduated with distinction

The Cracow University of Technology


Bachelor of Science (BSc), Applied Computer Science

4.5 / 5

Salezjańskie Publiczne Liceum Ogólnokształcące


High School


Professional experience


Software Engineer IV

Jul 2024–present

Software Engineer III

Jul 2023–Jul 2024

Software Engineer II

Sep 2022–Jul 2023
  • Developing a distributed, low-latency, cloud-based platform for selling digital ad inventory in real time.
  • As a part of a data science team I was responsible for: preparing implementations of experiments, developing and maintaining experimental frameworks, enabling development of ML models, and developing solutions for serving ML models.
  • I led the development of a new experimental framework, which is used as the main tool for evaluating value of business decisions.

Motorola Solutions

Software Engineer

May 2022–Sep 2022

Software Developer

June 2021–May 2022

Junior Software Developer

Oct 2020–June 2021

Software Developer Intern

Mar 2020–Oct 2020
  • Developing centralized, large-scale, on-premise systems for managing mobile radios.
  • I developed and tested systems used by government agencies.

Publications pro bono publico



Feb 2022

An open-source utility written in Rust for generating algorithmic art via genetic algorithms. Organisms are mutated by randomly generated shapes, scored by loss functions calculating their goodness, and crossed with each other to produce new offspring.

I wrote a series of articles about the subject.


Security of REST API

Jun 2022

Motorola Solutions

English for Specific Purposes language certificate at C1 level

Feb 2019

The Cracow University of Technology

Cisco IT Essentials

Apr 2015
