
How to Become Immortal 101: Shamir’s Secret Sharing

Have you ever wondered how to protect your master password from getting lost? Or how to create a perfect democracy where nuke access is shared between most important people in the government equally? Or how to achieve immortality by splitting your soul and putting the pieces into objects? 🪄

If so, then you’ve come to the right place. Join me, my friend, on this discovery of Shamir’s secret sharing.

Natural Selection and Loss Functions

Natural Selection is what allows our species (and images!) to improve over time. In this article we’ll implement a scoring mechanism, through which “Mona Lisa” will actually look like one.

Randomness of Life

In the previous article from this series, we’ve talked about genetic algorithms and how they can be used to generate art. Now let’s put those ideas into action and focus on implementing the first part of our artistic toolset: mutators.

Art From Chaos

Making art is hard. Drawing pictures is tedious. With programming, however, we can automate things. The point of automation is to reduce the amount of manual labor. So let’s mix evolution, DNA, and programming together to make art that makes itself. Pictures that draw themselves.